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Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to know who spying on you in Windows XP?

Trick of this day is : How to know which software use your Internet connection, through the windows DOS to make sure there is no malware spying on you or something else.

1 - Click on Start.

2 - Click on Run.

3 - then type this command :


4 - Click on OK.

5 - In the DOS window type this command:

netstat -abnov

6 - Wait while the computer collect programs and DLLs that using your Internet connection.

7 - Now you can see all the programs that use your Internet connection in windows XP.

Other netstat commands

Netstat -p
Netstat –a
Netstat –s
Netstat –b
Netstat -v
Netstat -e
Netstat –e -s
Netstat -n
Netstat –s –p tcp udp
Netstat -o

enjoy this trick!

How to Turn OFF Firewall by one click in Windows XP

You can enable or disable the firewall of windows XP by single command only through the Command Prompt
to avoid several stages of enable or disable the firewall.

Disable the Firewall of Windows XP:

1 - Click on Start
2 - Click on Run

3 - then type this command :
netsh firewall set opmode disable

4 - Then click on OK.

Enable the Firewall of Windows XP:

1 - Click on Start
2 - Click on Run

3 - then type this command :
netsh firewall set opmode enable

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tutorial on How to use HJSplit

HJSplit is a program to split a large file into small pieces in a much more rapidly than do the Split Rar. Where this HJSplit jg can be used to restore it as original

How to use HJSplit:

To perform SPLIT (split large files into small files):
1. Double-click the program HJSplit.exe (no need to install)
2. Click Split
3. Click on input files and browse the file you want parsed
4. Click on the output file if you want to put a dividing results in a different folder (not mandatory at the click)
5. Define Split file size
6. Press start
7. after the last complete split close

To perform JOIN (combining the results of the fragmented files HJ Split):
1. Double-click the program HJSplit.exe (no need to install)
2. Click Join
3. Click on input files and browse the files would be merged (just the file extension .001 and the rest will automatically be extracted directly, but make sure all the files .001 to .00 X are on the same folder)
4. Click on the output file if you want to put the joint in a different folder (not mandatory at the click)
5. Press start
6. after a join complete and close

uploader usually just rename the file to be split HJ. rar. For example SAW-6.avi.001.rar, so after you download the file ... just rename it to SAW If 6.avi.001 and ignore any warning will file damage, then join dg HJ Split.

Example file name HJSplit
SAW-6.avi want to break into 3 parts. formed so that the file is
or globally

so if you want to join, rename its name as an example.
Nothing further.

Tutorial How to Install Windows Using Usb (Flash Drive)

Those who want to install Windows XP on a computer that no CD drive, there are alternative ways ya! This way I Get of What are the requirements? Here it is: USB Flash Disk (Minimum 1 GB)

Windows XP CD (Better Use SP 2).
Existing computer CD drive and use Windows XP or Vista OS.
Courage, and patience. This process is quite time-consuming
After downloading all the above requirements, the following steps:
1. Extracts Bootsect.rar, USB_Prep8.rar and PeToUSB_3.0.0.7.rar.
2. Copy-Paste to a folder PeToUSB.exe USB_Prep8.
3. Usb_prep8.cmd doble click in the folder USB_Prep8, it later emerged the command prompt :

4. Click any button, the window will appear like this:

5. Click start. IMPORTANT: After formatting is complete, do not close the window!  do was huddled. ^ ^
6. Open a command prompt (Start-> All Programs-> accecories-> Command Prompt or Start-> Run ... -> type cmd in the box).
7. Navigate to the directory where the command prompt in the extracts was bootsect.exe use the command:
"Cd Directory_tplace_bootsect.exe"
example: "cd desktop \ new folder"
8. Type "bootsect.exe / nt52 I:". I is a USB drive (altered state drive on the computer).
If successful then exit the phrase "Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes."
9. Close the command prompt that is (not that usbprep8). Close the window also PeToUSB, then will appear the following window:

10. Do not press enter once here (very fun ^ ^)
Press 1 then enter. Window will appear, browse to the drive where XP cd.
Press 2 then enter. Enter unused letters for names in the computer drive (usually c, d, e, f is already in use)
Press 3 then Enter. Insert the USB drive letter.
Press 4 then Enter. The process of copying data to USB drives will begin.
11. There will be questions about formatting the drive T. Type y and then enter.
12. After formatting is complete, press enter to continue.
13. Press enter again to continue.
14. Pop-up box will appear, click yes.
15. Click yes again in the pop up window that appears.
16. Click yes again to unmount the virtual drive.
Okay! Process is complete. USB can be used to install Windows XP.
Do not forget to setup the boot manager in the BIOS to boot from USB.
Continue to fit the installation, select the number 2 for text mode setup first. Process will be continued as usual XP installation.
When finished select option number 1 to continue installation of Windows XP.
Do not unplug the usb until installation is complete. After Windows is finished installed, disconnect the USB (Safely removed first).

Good Luck,And Dont Forget For Comment For this Blog.thx

Windows 7 Keyboard shorcut

Windows 7 introduces several new keyboard shortcuts that come in handy when managing open windows in the operating system. Most Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts mimic the behavior when dragging and dropping windows in the new operating system. Here is the list in case you like to use the keyboard instead of the mouse.

[Windows Up] - Maximize window
[Windows Down] - Minimize windows / Restore
[Windows Left] - Dock window to the left side
[Windows Right] - Dock window to the right side
[Windows Shift Up] - Maximize vertical size of window
[Windows Shift Down] - Restore vertical size
[Windows Shift Left] - Move window to left monitor
[Windows Shift Right] - Move window to right monitor

How to prevent the "Autorun" of the Drivers


Tip of this day is How to prevent the Autorun of the disk drive ( CD-ROM / DVD-ROM…) .
And that, as usual, will be through the Registry Editor.

 1 - Click on Start
2 - Click on Run

3 - then type this command :

4 - Then click on OK.
5 - Then Follow the path :

 HKEY_CURRENT_USER –> Software –> Microsoft –> Windows–> CurrentVersion –> Policies –> Explorer

6 - Click on Explorer .

7 - In the right side of the window right click. 
 New –> DWORD Value.

8 - Give it this name:

9 - Replace 0 with 1

10 - Click on OK.


How To Speeding Up the Dual-Boot Timeout

If you dual-boot your computer with Windows XP and another operating system, you see an operating system selection menu on startup. If you typically boot into Windows XP and not the other operating system, you can speed up the dual-boot timeout value so that you do not wait so long for the boot process to select your default operating system and continue with the boot process. The default timeout value is 30 seconds but you can change this setting to 10. This gives you enough time to select the alternate operating system if you want but also speeds up the boot process.

Follow these steps:
1. Locate the boot.ini file on your computer. It is a hidden file by default;
It is usually located in C:\boot.ini.
2. Open the file with Notepad (which is what opens it by default).
3. Change the Timeout value to 10.
4. Select File/Save and close Notepad.
5. good luck

Friday, October 14, 2011

How to timing your computer to close automatically!!

How to shutdown the device in advance and without any specific program: 
And does not have any complexity and is very useful for example, suppose You were doing a download from the Internet This download takes an hour and you hurry and want to go somewhere ... Or you want to sleep and you want after the completion of the Download to a computer Turning off itself after certain period
Or you have kids and want to fix them time to sit down On the Internet or the computer .

You just need to do the following:
1 - Click on Start
2 - Click on Run
3 - then type the following:

shutdown -s -t 3600

Taking into account the space between the letters (copy it as they are)
Also taking into account the number 3600 (a one hour)
This time limit after which extinguish system, and can increase the duration
By hit value ((3600)) in the number of hours you want
For example, you want after three hours
So .. 3600 × 3 = 10800
Means you type the command in the Run as well as:

shutdown -s -t 10800
Important: After you type the previous command
Will show you a box to tell you how much time remaining
To turn off your computer ((hour and minute and second))

How to cancel the shutdown command:

Suppose that you have returned quickly
From the place which left him before Turning off the system
And you want to cancel that you were drawn in advance and want to continue in your work.
On the system follow the following:
1 -Click on Start 
2 - Click on Run
3 - Type the following command:

shutdown -a

Operation was canceled the shutdown of the system
I hope you enjoyed & Thank you for your attention.

Shutdown Shortcut just one click turn OFF computer!

If you want a quick way to shutdown your computer without having to go through all the steps Start-Turn Off Computer-Turn Off...

 The Windows XP comes with a special executable file for shutting down that allows you to make a shortcut for shutting down by just one Click .

Steps :

Right click on any blank space of windows desktop then 1 -
 New -> Shortcut
(Create Shortcut) window will open.

2 - then type the following in the blank :
shutdown -s -t 0

- Click on Next

4 - Reach to the last step to create a shortcut is to write the name you want for thisshortcut ((Type A Name For This Shortcut)) .. Type the name you want that have ameaning like shutdown.

5 - Click Finish to end.

New you have a shortcut to shutdown your device by one click!

Let's make an icon Inappropriate!
6 - Right click on the Shutdown shortcut icon, then click:
 Properties -> Change icon…

 It will popup an alert, ignore it by clicking OK .

7 - choose any icon like the picture:

8 - Click on OK.

& well done!.

Active the "HIBERNATION" option

Did you know you can shut down your computer & when you restart them you will findeverything as it was, Such as windows and running programs!.
This property is called "hibernation" so let's learn how to do it.

1 - Click on Start
2 - Click on Run

3 - then type this command :

4 - Click on OK.

5 – You will see the "Power Options Properties" windowClick on "Hibernate" tab.

6 – Make a tick on "Enable hibernation" option .

7 - Click OK.

8 – Now:
Start –> Turn Off Computer

9 – Stay pressing the "Shift" key, the "Stand by" icon will become "Hibernate"

10 – Click on it .

Next time when you running your computer you will find everything as it was!

How to lock your folders without programs!

Do you want to have some privacy?
Do you have files or things that belong to you, you alone?
And you want to hide them so that no one can reach it except you?
I Will show an effective way to do it without any special programs.

Steps :

1 - Click on Start

2 - Click on Run

3 - then type the following :

4 - Then click on OK.

5 - Paste the following code inside the notepad :

title Folder Special
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Special goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Special "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Special
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Special
echo Special created successfully
goto End

   type your password here = Replace it with your password

  6 – Then Save the (TXT) file (( File –> Save As… )) as :
  in My Documents (Or any place you want).

  7 – Now go to My Documents (Or were you save the file) you will find a ( Locker ) commanding.

  8 - Double click on it.

  9 - After clicking you will see a new folder (Special ),
  Here you will put your files or anything which you want to hide or protect.

  10 - After that again go to ( LOCKER ) and click on it.

  11 - It will open and ask you want lock your folder? Y/N ?
  Type the letter Y.

  You will find that the file disappeared and can not be reached only by you.

  12 - Now to view or unlock it again, Click on ( Locker ) and type your password .

Delete your files without irreversibly

Tip of the day is how to delete files from the roots , you may know that you can recoverya file with some programs, but this way you will not never be recovered or get it back…
The steps:

1 - Click on Start
2 - Click on Run

3 - then type the following :
cipher /w:C:

So that C represents the partition that you want to clean it of impurities means, for example if you delete files from the partition D

You write "
cipher /w:D:"
4 - DOS window will open with you let him work

Thanks for reading!
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